Our 1st Anniversary


Sunday, August 8, 2021 marked the first anniversary of Root 42 Harvests. One year ago, after years of dreaming and months of serious planning, Jake and I publicly launched Root 42 Harvests. In the days that followed, we filed our paperwork with the state to launch Emling Agricultural Service LLC DBA Root 42 Harvests, ordered our first greenhouse, and the rest is history!

We spent several weeks leading up to our first anniversary trying to decide how we wanted to commemorate this milestone. When we listened to what our hearts were telling us, we knew there really was only one thing we wanted to do….pay it forward.

We have felt so incredibly blessed by the support we’ve received from the Medina community since we introduced ourselves really for the first time at the Medina Square Farmers Market. We wouldn't be where we are without our customers, the market, and the Medina community we are thrilled to be a part of. We don't take any of this for granted. Because of our customers, our passion for growing fresh, local, clean, safe, and quality produce has a purpose. It’s an honor to share the fruits of our labor with our community.

With full and grateful hearts, we decided to donate 50% of our proceeds from the August 7 Medina Square Farmers Market to Feeding Medina County. Feeding Medina County is a non-profit that provides our community with essential programs that put food on the table for children, families and seniors who are at risk of hunger. We have no doubt that our donation will go a long way to supporting those in our community that need our support.


ASHS Certification


Market Season