Market Season

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The market season at the Medina Square Farmers Market in downtown Medina has been in full swing for six weeks now and we have been having such a rewarding experience. We feel such a strong sense of membership within our community, stronger than we ever felt in the past. We are developing amazing relationships not only with fellow growers/farmers, bakers, makers, and vendors, but with our amazing customers who we are getting to know a little more each and every week.

We have to be honest, adapting to new time consuming harvest schedules wasn’t always sunshine and roses. Getting used to busy Friday evenings and Saturday mornings took some time, but week after week we’ve grown more efficient with how Jake and I divide and conquer greenhouse and family responsibilities (i.e. caring for our daughter) at those most hectic times of the week. We’ve also worked out some of the kinks such as how early we need to start harvesting, how much we can harvest on Friday evening and store in our commercial refrigerator overnight, what we can harvest and package in the morning right before we leave for the market, and how much time we need to give ourselves in the morning to finish the harvest and make it to the market on time.

We are so fortunate to have the help of my parents who live a reasonably short drive away from us to give Abigail a few sleepovers the first weekends of the season as we adjusted to market life. Jake’s parents even helped us at the market last weekend when they drove into town from Wisconsin to celebrate Abigail’s birthday with us. We’re so thankful for our tribe and how they have and continue to help us live out this dream of ours.

As we continue on through the market season, we look forward to building more relationships with our customers and neighbors from communities near and far. It’s truly a privilege to share the fruits of our labor with Medina and share the streets of Medina with the dozens of passionate vendors who put their hearts in their work just like we do.

We hope to see you on Saturday!


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Food Safety Training